REVIEW IV: (introduction) My mind holds only what I think with God…
Lesson 141: (121: forgiveness is the key to happiness. 122: Forgiveness offers everything I want)
My mind holds only what I think with God…
This statement reflects creation; what we are and where we came from. It is the foundation by which we embark on the next wave of awakening via the ACIM lesson curriculum.
This is the ultimate truth: “My mind holds only what I think with God”. Nothing apart from God exists. So this is the vital identity, essential to accept without reservation, for even one pure instant.
Unmitigated acceptance of this fact, once accomplished, completely reinterprets all meaning we have given to the thoughts about our lives, until now. Holding this pure thought separates the false from the true, and aligns the mind in such a way that what is false can easily be seen and the remedy of forgiveness desired. A simple bringing of illusions to the light of truth.
We are the thought God thinks constantly: His Holy Son, the happiness and contentment of His creation. Here, emboldened in this thought, we see what there is to love… It is from this original and holy premise that all the lesson we now review make sense…
The irresistible sanctity and promise of their implementation in our lives cracks the code of the ego’s addictive death-thought pathways, breathing life into our habitual thinking patterns; sweeping out the cobwebs of decay, making way for the pathways of our innocence and sinlessness to flow freely. The thoughts we think with God, now become our present pathways. They are not dependent on the tiny biophysical mechanics of the ego-world design. Ours is the premise of truth which the perspective of our so-called lives can now flow along, through forgiveness channels, instead of hate… revealing truth’s pathways of our will and God’s, which is l o v e !
The healthy heart of love pumps life possibilities of what the ‘new world’ will look like to the eyes that have been given sight to see. It is all so fresh and exciting… oui?
The vision of Christ unites rather than separates; showing all things lit brilliantly with the light of the sight from this holy premise. It reflects simply, the thought system that arises from knowledge, the mind we think with God. All grievances become a call for healing, love and union. The Course states: “Forgiveness is a necessary correction for all the mistakes that we have made. To offer forgiveness is the only way for us to have it, for it reflects the law of Heaven that giving and receiving are the some. Heaven is the natural state of all the Sons of God as He created them. Such is their reality forever. It has not changed because it has been forgotten… Forgiveness is the means by which we will remember. Through forgiveness the thinking of the world is reversed. The forgiven world becomes the gate of Heaven, because by its mercy we can at last for give ourselves. Holding no one prisoner to guilt, we become free. Acknowledging Christ in all our brothers, we recognize His presence in ourselves…”
It makes such simple sense~ all the sense in the world actually, seen from this perspective: Forgiveness is the key to happiness…
Forgiveness is now the answer to every question, the questioning of every former answer we ever thought we knew. It is the means and the end. It is the very call to mind that each ‘uncomfortable situation’ must be a forgiveness lesson, brings a sense of relief at the least and an overwhelming peace of mind at best. It blesses the mind with peaceful cohesion. What more could we want? Turns out… forgiveness offers everything we want…
In the text of the review, Jesus gives our proviso: “My mind holds only what I think with God”. He asks that we give but five minutes: “Five minutes with this thought will be enough to set the day along the lines which God appointed, and to place His Mind in charge of all the thoughts you will receive that day.”
So little for so much… I am humbly joined with you in our devotion to fully recognizing our whole mind ~ the mind that thinks only with God and therefore each other as one… My heart swells with the magnitude of God within our minds as one … Thank you forever and ever…
is the bible a illusion
the miracle of accepting the Atonement reveals that what is false is false and only the truth is true. The one error in mind was the impossible idea that we could be separate form God, our Source , Love. When we view this world from the perspective of separation,(which, by the way, is what we're all born into) we are seeing a world of falsehoods, religions were an attempt to control the fear engendered by the belief in these falsehoods as real. The bible then reflects and perpetuates the belief that sin is real and that we have indeed separated from God. Yet God placed within our mind where we are all joined, the memory of truth(Holy Spirit,still, small voice)reinterpreting our mis perceptions with the slights invitation and willingness to hear, showing us that indeed we are all one in Him... What we see in this world are but mere reflections of our state of mind. The decision to be in the state of grace which is the mind we share with God, is our purpose here. Thank you for joining with me ine the one purpose for all....
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